Explore our FAQs to find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about our services.
If you don’t find the information you are looking for, don’t hesitate to get in touch with your local SBDC for further assistance.
What are my responsibilities as a SBDC client?
Answered 2 years ago
Why am I being asked to participate in surveys and provide feedback as a SBDC client?
Answered 2 years ago
What kind of education and professional advice can I expect from the SBDC program?
Answered 2 years ago
How does the SBDC protect the confidentiality and trade secrets of my business?
Answered 2 years ago
How can I get SBDC’s help?
Answered 2 years ago
How are SBDC services provided at no charge?
Answered 2 years ago
What is the California SBDC?
Answered 2 years ago
Are there any additional languages besides English that SBDC provides services in?
Answered 2 years ago
I want to sell my products or services online. Can SBDC help with this?
Answered 2 years ago
Can you help me if I am just thinking about starting a business?
Answered 3 years ago